Trudeau’s Tantrum

Most readers will have seen the bizarre behaviour of the Prime Minister yesterday evening.  As witnesses and the video record attest, Mr. Trudeau, in...

Birthday Blessings to JP II, Marriage and the Liberals’ Ludicrous Energy Plan

*Today would have been the 96th birthday of Pope Saint John Paul II, who died just shy of his 85 birthday.  Very few Popes...

The Choice to March for Life

Today, the feast of Saint Matthias, paradoxically marks the sombre anniversary of the legalization of abortion in Canada, under Trudeau Sr., in 1969.  Omnibus...

Quebec’s Demographic Demise

Quebec is back in the news, this time with a report of its death-spiral of a birth rate.  It seems Quebec women by and...

Of Muslim Mayors, Fire and Brimstone

By the time you read this, London (the one in England) will have elected a new mayor.  The residents did not have much of...

The Bright Moment of Conception

There are sometimes good things in the news, like this report from the Telegraph that when conception occurs, that is, when the male sperm...

The Brave New Canada of Artificial Reproduction

In 2004, Canada passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, which legalizes certain forms of artificial reproduction of human beings, including in vitro fertilization and...

Caveat Spectator

Modern television (or do we say internet?) programs, particularly on Netflix, and other media, have become radically explicit, both in violence and in sex. ...

Ant-Man vs. Daredevil

(As a bit of light-hearted reading before the issuance of the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter later today, here are some thoughts on two superheroes,...

Our Unsupportable Medical Utopia

I met an acquaintance of mine recently in one of local stores (of course, government run) that sells liquid cheer, to refresh the weary...