Motets in Honour of Two Very Just Men
Arvo Pärt , an Estonian composer (born 1935, and still going - those hardy Estonians!), is known for his method of tintinabulli, which is...
Second Sunday of Lent: Our Transfigured and Suffering Lord
He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, by the power that also...
The First Message of His Holiness, Saint John Paul II, for Lent
(In the spirit of beginning our Lenten journey, here is a retrospective of the first Lenten message by Pope (Saint) John Paul II. A...
The Ave Regina Caelorum
The Ave Regina Caelorum is the Marian antiphon sung during Lent. Its origins and composer are unknown, but manuscripts exist from the early 12...
The Power of Prayer
Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. - Soren Kierkegaard
Does prayer work?
First we should define what prayer is, and is...
Three Reasons to Read the Book of Jonah this Lent
Every year, the Wednesday after Ash Wednesday, the Mass readings revolve around the prophet Jonah. Not only does the first reading come from the...
Humility and the First Sunday of Lent
When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time (Lk. 4:13). ⧾
On Ash Wednesday we began our observance...
What Is Holiness?
(In light of today's Gospel, on the calling of Levi, and our Lord eating with 'tax collectors and sinners', here are some fitting words...
The Eucharist Is the Best of the Past and the Best of the Future:...
(This sermon by Rev. Msgr. Vincent Nicholas Foy was preached at the evening Mass a week before Ash Wednesday that year, on Sunday, February...
Remember Man, That Thou Art Dust…Pope Benedict and Ash Wednesday
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Ash Wednesday
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On this day, marked by the austere symbol of ashes, we enter...