Pope Benedict and Saint Gregory Nazianzus: Kindred Spirits
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Saint Gregory Nazianzus (1)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last Wednesday, I talked about St Basil, a Father of...
Pope Benedict and Saint Basil the Great
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Saint Basil (1)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Let us remember today one of the great Fathers of the...
No Ambition Except to Do Good: Mary, Mother of God and A New Year
January 1st begins the new calendar year and it also brings to an end the celebration of the Christmas Octave with the celebration of...
Saint Sylvester, the Last Saint of the Year and Praising God
On this last day of the calendar year, we celebrate in muted tones the mysterious and shadowy Pope Saint Sylvester I, who reigned from...
The Church Could Use A Few More Thomas (à) Beckets
A blessed continuing 'Merrie Christmas!' to all our readers, on this sixth day of Christmas, as we celebrate all these twelve days, right up...
The Hope of the Holy Innocents
The feast of the Holy Innocents, which we celebrate appropriately enough within the octave of Christmas, might seem a troubling commemoration at first glance....
St John the Evangelist and His Life-Giving Message
Two days after the Solemnity of Christmas, Mother Church celebrates the beautiful memorial of St John the Evangelist. Pope Benedict XVI, seeing the paramount importance...
Saint John, the Apostle of the Logos
On this third day of Christmas, we not only get three french hens, but, far better, we get to celebrate the beloved Apostle, Saint...
Saint John the Beloved, Seer of Patmos
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 23 August 2006
John, the Seer of Patmos
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the last Catechesis we had reached the meditation...
Pope Benedict and Saint Stephen
Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In our recent Catecheses we have seen how through personal and community prayer the...