Of Severed Heads, Pronoun Wars and Canaries

An Italian neurosurgeon, Sergio Canavero, is planning to head up the first human body-head transplant, taking the head from a man, Valery Spiridonov, who...

Of Dubia and Infants’ Rights

Concerning the 'dubium' put forward by the four cardinals, asking the Pope to clarify certain ambiguities in the recent post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, we...

Orlando Massacre and the Clash of Cultures

As you have likely read already, fifty people have been killed in an attack on an Orlando 'gay' nightclub, with fifty-three more injured, the...

Thoughts on July the Fourth: Oz, Ireland, Canada and, of course, the U.S. of...

Following upon my brief remarks upon the charges laid against Cardinal Pell last week, a must-read is this insightful article by Julia Yost in...

Security, Saintliness and Serious Polygamy

I joked of 'fortress U.S.A.' in a text message as my travelling companion and I drove through the desolate countryside south of Winnipeg.  On...

You’ve Been Googled

James Damore, an engineer at Google (or should I say former engineer at Google) was fired recently for sending around a memo criticizing his company's...

Fatima’s Century

A grace-filled hundredth anniversary of the final apparition at Fatima, as Our Lady appeared for last time to the three seers on this day...

God’s Most Perfect Creation

A blessed and joyous solemnity of the Immaculate Conception to all Catholic Insight readers. Pope Blessed Pius IX, Pio Nono, proclaimed the doctrine of...

Enhancing the End of the Olympics

Thus endeth the 2016 Rio Olympics, with their share of oddities, but without major mishap or terrorist attack, God be praised.  Canada finished in...

Blessed Blondin and Bureaucracy

Bd. Marie-Anne Blondin (+1890), whose feast was just the other day, and of whom you may never have heard, founded a religious congregation of...