A man who prays lives out the mystery of existence, and a man who does not pray scarcely exists. (Saint Charbel Maklouf, +1898)

Editor's Corner

Science, Pseudoscience…and Miracles

One of the key differences between science and pseudoscience, according to Karl Popper, was falsifiability. Science, properly speaking, presents hypotheses that can be tested,...

Saint Bridget, Sweden’s Charitable Bibliophile

Long before Sweden was known for ABBA and IKEA  – two exports not to everyone’s taste, even if billion-dollar brands – along with a...

Mary Magdalene’s Marvelous Metanoia

A blessed feast of Mary Magdalene, which - or who - was raised from memorial status in the liturgical revisions of 1969 to a...

Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna

The See of Ravenna – on the north-east coast of Italy – was once, way back in the Middle Ages, nearly on par with...

Same-Sex Marriage Contra Naturam

(As the first line of this reflection I wrote a few years ago states, Canada legalized so-called 'same-sex' marriage on this July 20th, back...

Nota in Brevis

Choral Concert, August 4th, Peterborough

There is a choral concert coming up on Sunday, August 4th at 8 pm at Sacred Heart church in Peterborough, Ontario, featuring works by...

Jasper Burned

We pray for the residents of Jasper, Alberta, a lovely city on the far west of the province, the gateway to the Rockies, and...

Saint Brigdet of Sweden: Co-Patroness of Europe

Saint Brigdet of Sweden was born in 1303 at Finsta in the Swedish region of Uppland, from an aristocratic family. This great medieval mystic...

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’ Bible and Cappucino

Guilio Cesare Russo was born to a family of Venetian merchants, but not in Venice, but rather far to the south, in the village...

Living the Catholic Life

A note to let readers know about a new Traditional Catholic liturgical planner is on offer, which will help live a life in tune...