Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom. (Pope Saint John Paul II, +2005)

Editor's Corner

Pope St. John Paul II

The Late, Great Saint John Paul II

Today is the memorial of Pope Saint John Paul II, who was beatified on May 1st, 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI, and canonized ten...

Choosing Wisely, and Badly

Election - from the Latin 'eligere - to choose'. Choose life, that you and your children may live (Dt 30:19) The core battle of our time...

Canada Up in Smoke

(A retrospect on the legalization of cannabis in Canada, now six (!) years ago. The stultifying and enervating effects of this drug may in...

Saint Ignatius of Antioch, God’s Ground Wheat

Saint Ignatius of Antioch (+107) joyfully ‘went to the lions’, as the saying goes, meeting his martyrdom in the arena of the Coliseum in...

A Day of Four Saints

We celebrate a veritable panoply of saints today: In Canada, we have the memorial of Saint Marguerite D’Youville (+1771), the first Canadian-born saint. She...

Nota in Brevis

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko and Putting God First

The feast of Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, which is celebrated October 19th, drives home an important point: God comes first in our lives, and that...


An intriguing clip, with Kamala Harris facing an interviewer who at least tries to get her to answer a direct question about the number...

Pope Saint John and Openness to the Holy Spirit

As we celebrate the feast of the Papa Buono, the Good Pope as he was affectionately referred to, Pope St John XXIII, what comes...

Neptune, Voyager and Where No Man Has Gone Before…

On this day in 1846, astronomer William Hessel discovered Triton, the largest moon of the planet Neptune, just 17 days after Johann Galle discovered...

Feckless FEMA and Finding Our Own Way

Feckless: Lacking purpose; without skill, ineffective, incompetent; lacking the courage to act in any meaningful way. As another hurricane hurtles towards Florida - possibly a catastrophic...