This our European structure, built upon the noble foundations of classical antiquity, was formed through, exists by, is consonant to, and will stand only in the mold of, the Catholic Church. Europe will return to the Faith, or she will perish. The Faith is Europe. And Europe is the Faith. (Hilaire Belloc, +1953)
Editor's Corner
The Seven Servite Saints of the Virgin Mary
The Seven Founders of the Servite Order commemorate the group of cloth merchants who in 1233 left everything to follow Christ, with a special...
Of Flags and Dominions
Today marks the 60th anniversary of our adoption, back in 1965 under Lester B. Pearson, of a the ‘maple leaf’ as our national flag,...
Saint Claude de la Colombière
Claude de la Colombière (1641 – 1682) is known primarily for his role as the spiritual director of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, the recipient...
Ricci and Lucia
On this February 13th we commemorate the mystic Dominican tertiary Saint Catherine Ricci (1522 – 1590), a contemporary of Saint Philip Neri (+1515 -1595), to whom...
Trump 2.0, Redivivus
(This is a revision of a previous post, with some new material – as the theme suggests, it’s difficult to keep up with the...
Nota in Brevis
St Claude de la Colombière and his Friendship with Christ
On February 15th, we celebrated the liturgical memorial of St Claude de la Colombière. This Jesuit priest was the confessor of St. Margaret Mary...
Jovinus and Faustinus, and All the Single People
Jovinus and Faustinus were two noble brothers, martyred together in the early days of the Church, in about 120 A.D, under Emperor Hadrian, after...
A.I, and I, Robot
The recent Vatican document on the potential dangers and benefits of advances in ‘A.I.’ – artificial intelligence - warns that the powerful algorithms could...
Tragic Collisions
In 1754, author Hugh Walpole coined the term serendipity to mean a fortunate circumstance or meeting. Whatever the contrary term may be, we saw...
Advanced Directives for Euthanasia in Quebec
A note of exhortation from the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada to fill out the survey below, in light of the proposed...