The God who made all things gave himself form through Mary, and thus he made his own creation. He who could create all things from nothing would not remake his ruined creation without Mary. (Saint Anselm, +1109)

Editor's Corner

I am the Immaculate Conception

Que soy era Immaculada Concepciou - I am the Immaculate Conception These are the words Our Lady said to Saint Bernadette Sobirous, in her own...

Would the Real Saint Nicholas Please Stand Up?

Saint Nicholas of Myra (+343) has gone down in legend in more ways than one. His general story follows below, but through the years...

The Legendary Saint Barbara

As Hilaire Belloc notes, a legend does not imply something isn't true; rather, it signifies some primordial truth so important that is has been...

Saint Bibiana and Single Ladies

Saint Bibiana (+ca. 363), who is commemorated today, a virgin martyred during the reign of Julian the Apostate (355-363), is the patroness of single...

Andrew, An Apostle for All Ages

A blessed feast of Saint Andrew to all our readers! Today, the last day of November, we celebrate the first Apostle called, along with...

Nota in Brevis

Juan Diego, Hidden Keeper of the Tilma

(Juan Diego's memorial is suppressed this year, at least here in Canada, since the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is moved to today. He...

Saint Nicholas and the Silence of Saint Thomas

It was on this day 751 years ago that Saint Thomas Aquinas stopped writing. Or, more properly, dictating - for he had scribes write...

The Montreal Massacre at École Polytechnique

Today, December 6th, the memorial of jolly Saint Nicholas, is also the sombre 35th anniversary of what is known as the 'Montreal Massacre' in...

Tolle, Lege!

Ironic, perhaps, that I suggest the following article for our readers, on this medium. For Ed Simon exhorts in strong language for a return...

Saint Francis Xavier

This saint, one of the Church's most illustrious missionaries. This is the apt description given to the Jesuit priest and saint St Francis Xavier,...