We are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the “culture of death” and the “culture of life”. We find ourselves not only faced with but necessarily in the midst of this conflict: we are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life. (Pope Saint John Paul II, +2005, from Evangelium Vitae)
Editor's Corner
Nathanson, Roe and the Battle for Life
Even though the infamous Roe v. Wade decision has now been cast into the dustbin of history - Deo gratias - we still must...
A New Era
A blessed Inauguration Day, especially to all our American readers. Say what you will about Donald Trump - he does have his limitations, and...
Saints Fabian and Sebastian: Doing the Holy and Perfect Will of God
Pope Fabian (+250) was put to death on this day in the persecution of Emperor Decius, for refusing to offer idolatrous sacrifice, and this...
Extraordinary Ordinary Time
With the feast of Christ’s Baptism last Sunday, and the 'Second Sunday' today, we enter back into what we now call ‘Ordinary Time’. We...
Abbot Anthony’s Narrow, but Joyful, Way to Heaven
Saint Anthony (+356) is commonly called 'the Abbot', or Anthony ‘of Egypt’, where he retreated to the wilderness as a young man to live...
Nota in Brevis
Saint Anthony the Great’s Wisdom and Guidance
On January 17th, the universal Church celebrated the liturgical memorial of St Anthony the Great or as is commonly known, St Anthony of Egypt....
A New Era
A blessed Inauguration Day, especially to all our American readers. Say what you will about Donald Trump - he does have his limitations, and...
Wise Words of Guidance From Saint Anthony, Abbot
As we celebrate the feast of St Anthony the Abbot, it comes to my mind the wisdom God has bestowed on this man of...
Eisenhower’s Dire Farewell Warning
On this day in 1961, outgoing president Dwight D. Eisenhower - 'Ike' - gave his famous farewell speech, warning Americans of the dangers of...
Two Significant Years of Saint Thomas Aquinas
(Here is a reminder of the 'two years of Saint Thomas', as decreed by the Vatican last year. The 800th anniversary of the great...