Wake Up, Canada!

Réveillez-vous, Canada, and Joan Up! I appreciated Kennedy Hall's clarion call to stand fast against tyranny and oppression - with which I heartily agree -...

The Abaddonian Abyss

They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abad'don, and in Greek he is called...

Maria Goretti and the Noonday Devil

On a hot and sweltering July 6th in a small farming town in the fetid area outside of Rome, one hundred and four years...

Idle, No More, Please

Eric Idle, of Monty Python comedy troupe fame, has recently tweeted that 'climate change deniers' (one of the few groups remaining,  in this Disney-esque...

Saint Andrew’s Scotland

Today is the feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle, brother of Saint Peter, patron of Scotland, Russia, Ukraine and Greece, for reasons that are somewhat...

Complicit Complaisance and Flying the Rainbow

To paraphrase a popular alliterative 1958 novelty song, we are becoming a nation of pathological people pleasers – and by ‘we’ I mean those...

Missions to Moncton, Accompaniment and Papal Sensitivity

I'm not sure how one might describe the decision of Archbishop Valery Vianneau, spiritual head of the diocese of Moncton in New Brunswick, to...

The Choice of Saint Matthias

In today Office of Readings for the feast of Saint Matthias, Saint John Chrysostom writes 'neque dixerunt: Elige, sed ostende electum - quem elegeris,...