Supreme Court and Texan Abortion: What Next?

Another day, and more bad news.  One becomes benumbed after a time, which is not a good thing. Would that I could write on...

Pilgrim Eagle: A Review of Charles A. Coulombe’s History Text Puritan’s Empire

  “This above all: To thine own self be true.”   -William Shakespeare       Puritan’s Empire by Charles A. Coulombe is a unique tour-de-force of American history from a Catholic...

A Philosophical Brexit

    Already the effects of the Brexit are rippling through the world:  The British currency has taken a record nosedive, the stock market is tottering,...

Star Farce: A Study in How to Ruin a Franchise

I thought the Star Wars franchise, so successful and cinema-transforming in the late seventies and early eighties, was ruined by the three prequels in...

Conscience, Love and Law

There is much talk nowadays about conscience, freedom of conscience, good and bad conscience, yet with little awareness, from what I can tell, of...

Truth in Tragedy

Well, that happened faster than even I thought.  Already, there are calls to outlaw any and all 'homopobia' in any speech, writing, discourse or...

Gambling for Eternity: An Analysis of the Apologetic’s Argument of “Pascal’s Wager”

“Pascal’s Wager” is a famous and controversial argument in favor of the existence of God often used by Christian apologetics. It has been called...

Learning Death from History

Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.  So declared the famed historian George Santayana in 1863, and there is a...

Jean Vanier Clarifies his Remarks, Reiterating his Support for Assisted Suicide Law in CBC...

(This article appeared in this revision on LifeSite News, based on a clarification they received from Dr. Vanier) At the end of May, Jean Vanier...

Murder, Inc., Canadian Style

As of midnight tonight, as I write on this June 6th, the murder of adults will be legal in Canada.  Of course, we have...