Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection, through whom we are saved and...
And Thy Word Broke Their Swords: The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Advent...
There is more to Advent and Christmas than just waiting for and celebrating Christ's birth. It serves as the beginning of an epic, and...
Every Child is Already Wanted
(From our archives, which seems a propos given the recent invitees to the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Science, which has created quite a stir,...
Tattoo You?
An interesting factoid I recently came across, one borne out by anecdotal evidence, is that 3 out of 10 Americans now have tattoos, and...
Charles Rice on Natural Law Morality
Charles E. Rice (1931-2015), a Thomist philosopher and professor of law at Notre Dame University, was a consistent conservative on matters political and theological....
Against Organized Religion
In 1999 it was estimated that 24 million Americans—almost one in 10—do not admit allegiance to any particular faith denomination according to a...
A Meditation for Good Friday: How To Undo the Effects of Sin?
Cardinal Newman, now Saint John Henry Newman, was a towering figure of nineteenth-century Catholicism who is almost universally admired. I say “almost” because not...
Catholic Glasgow
On an intersection in Scotland’s largest city, at Glasgow Cross, the Jesuit priest Saint John Ogilvie, after brutal tortures by the ‘King’s Men’ in...
Slouching Towards Babel
For all shall come to nothing that proceeds not from God.
The Imitation of Christ, Thomas à Kempis
In the beginning, the Lord God instructed Man to go...
Kavanaugh’s Inquisition
One knows not what to say at times, as events spiral faster than one’s capacity to comment on them; even one’s reflection is superseded:...