Franco and the Progressive Rewriting of History

For more than a century now, the international communist movement has been hiding and sanitizing its own history while subjecting its opponents to relentless...

Wherefore art thou, Modesty?

It may seem a bit odd to speak of modesty when the weather outside is frightful—at least roundabout where I live in rural Ontario. But...

Waking up to Wokeness

Wokeism Meme: Compared to Me, You’re a Moral Failure: If You Disagree, You’re Part of the Problem Did you know that Michel Foucault, the French...

The God of Love: Christ in the Song of Songs

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for...

Lent’s Little Lights

One of the most beautiful uplifting things that helps me stay focused on Lent is the theme of light. In his Angelus address of Sunday 28 February 2021,...

The Strength of the Transfiguration

So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a...

Sacred Art Briefly Considered

How often have we heard it said that beauty is in the mind of the beholder, that it has no objective existence of its...

Agape Love

Theresa of Avila wrote that “love is like a perfume-filled room.”  Could it be that we can only describe such an ineffable concept using...

Why Children (and Adults!) Should Learn Latin

Whenever the census in Canada rolls round, I suspect that I am one of the few people who, in the box where one reports...

Murder, Inc., Canadian Style

As of midnight tonight, as I write on this June 6th, the murder of adults will be legal in Canada.  Of course, we have...