Lessons from Auschwitz

(In light of the feasts of Edith Stein and Maximilian Kolbe, here is a re-post of a reflection I wrote upon my own visit...

Pravda, Canadian-Style

In our ever-more deranged Dominion, it began with the $600 million subsidy to ‘help’ journalistic sources – of course, only those selected by the...

Of Flags and Railroads

Symbols mean something, and today is the anniversary of our adoption, back in 1965 under Lester B. Pearson, of a the ‘maple leaf’ as...

More on Magisteria and Mohawks

We Catholics are now perforce to ponder more deeply the limits of Magisterial authority – specifically papal pronouncements – in light of the current...

Whither and Whence, Amazonia?

A few words on the post-synodal letter on the Amazon, Querida Amazonia. 'There is much upon which to ponder in the document, and I would...

Councils, Chiefs and Trudeau’s Chaos

The pathetic summation of Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services, says it all: The protests, clogging up the entire Canadian economy, or what’s left...

The Wreck of OECTA

The public teachers of Ontario – including the Catholic Board, still holding that title, with not much to show for it, but more on...

Vanier’s Legacy

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum dicendum est – speak nothing but good of the dead, first attributed to Chilon of Sparta in Greek, we...

Spiritual and Secular Asceticism

A blessed and grace-filled Lenten season to all our readers, beginning with this solemn commemoration of Ash Wednesday to launch us on our way...

Canada, Good While It Lasted

What more need be said, for the visuals speak a thousand words? Vanguards of police standing mutely and idly by, while ‘protesters’ – armed...