Adelaide, Netflix, Anathema Sit

Saint Adelaide, whose memorial was yesterday in that broad calendar of the blessed, was the first, and as far as I know only, Empress...

Apologia Pro Verba Mea

A reader, in response to my recent and all-too-brief musings on Dr. Theresa Tam, vaccines, masks, lockdowns and such, wrote the following: That was on...

Should the Church Obey the State? The Limits of Law

I have a reflection out this morning on Catholic World Report, on the Limits of Law and Obedience, if you'd like to peruse my...

A Primer on Christology, Via the Heresies That Had to Be

In light of this festive season, in which we celebrate the manifestation of the Messiah in His birth at Bethlehem - and also, perhaps,...

Happy New Year to All Our Readers, in Music and Song

A blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, known more commonly in the secular world, if that is not tautological, as New Year's Day...

The Epiphany to Wise Men

A blessed and joyous Epiphany to all our readers, this twelfth day of Christmas, in theory, on January 6th, even if in Canada the...

Pope Francis’ Troubling Terminology

There is a principle in theology – which applies to other sciences as well – that we interpret the less authoritative, the less precise...

Intending Death and Drinking Deep

January 7th  was the fifth anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France, when the offices of the satirical magazine – which made fun...

A Crisis of Faith

Reports indicate that only a quarter of Catholics believe in the Real Presence, and even that may be an overestimate. One wonders about belief...

A Day of Life and A Day of Reckoning

President Trump has declared today, January 22nd, the memorial of Saint Vincent the Martyr, as ‘National Sanctity of Human Life Day’ – something called...