A Sombre Anniversary

As we commemorate this day, February 24th, the official beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, we should all be praying for some sort a...

Boy Scouts, Volcanoes and Mother of God School

A blessed Sixth Sunday of Easter, as we journey with Christ and His Apostles towards Pentecost…Veni Creator Spiritus! It had to happen, I suppose: The...

Mary’s Fiat

A blessed solemnity of the Annunciation, to all our readers! This feast commemorates the conception of the Son of God in the womb of...

Maria Goretti and the Noonday Devil

On a hot and sweltering July 6th in a small farming town in the fetid area outside of Rome, one hundred and four years...

Justice Kennedy’s Conscience

First, the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. sides with pro-life pregnancy centres, removing the requirement that they more or less advertise for abortion right...

Whither and Whence, Amazonia?

A few words on the post-synodal letter on the Amazon, Querida Amazonia. 'There is much upon which to ponder in the document, and I would...

To Yoga, or Not?

Last week, I was walking through Ottawa, and what greeted me on the vast lawn in front of the Parliament buildings was a sight...

Antichrist, Apocalypse and Abortion

Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come; therefore we know...

Climate Change and Glorious Campion

If there is one thing universal in inductive research, it is doubt. So read the textbook, through which I was first introduced to the...

Dominic and the Dogs of (Spiritual) War

(As Father Attard reminds us, this is the 8th centenary of the death of the great Saint Dominic, entering heaven on August 6th, 1221,...