Third Sunday of Advent: Rejoice, in Integrity and Constancy

The Lord your God, is in your midst…He will renew you in His love (Zeph. 3:17). ⧾ The third Sunday of Advent is known as...

Falls From Grace

First there were the twisties – not a wardrobe malfunction, but a loss of muscle memory in gymnasts, who ‘forget’ their routines, and where...

The Demands of the Christian Life

The Gospel of Luke combines inexpressible tenderness with an intolerable severity. Consider the contrast between the parables of the prodigal son or the good...

Robert Bork on Slouching towards Gomorrah

Robert Heron Bork (1927 –2012) was a judge and law professor who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan to the Supreme Court in 1987....

A Liturgical Primer for Advent

For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Lk. 21: 36). The first Sunday of Advent marks...

Saint Joseph, Patron of the Unborn

In the spirit of this Year of Saint Joseph proclaimed by our Holy Father Pope Francis, it is fitting to look at an interesting...

A Catholic Approach to Gender Incongruence Among Children and Youth

“The Truth will make you free” (John 8:32): Introduction The difficulties and challenges facing young people living in present-day Canadian society are vast and their impact...

The Millennial Fugue

Spare a thought for millennials, perhaps the most persecuted sector of our increasingly ignorant and spiritually impoverished society. Denied God and the firm Christian teaching...

Pope Saint John Paul’s 11th Station

THE ELEVENTH STATION Jesus is nailed to the Cross. V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi. R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum. From the Gospel according...

The Divine Kenosis, Self-Gift and Sacrifice

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus (Phil. 6:14). ⧾ Our second reading includes an ancient canticle or hymn that...