Bruckner’s Os Iusti: The Mouth of the Just Man

On this memorial of Saint Bonaventure - as mentioned in our post, one of the 37 Doctors of the Church - a fitting musical...

A Review of Colin Ian Jeffery’s ‘Sorrows and Joys’

REVIEW:  Sorrows and Joys  --- Colin Ian Jeffery ISBN: 978197459830 Paperback  £5.14  Amazon  or any good bookshop Collection of 212 poems Colin Ian Jeffery is a leading Christian...

Ant-Man vs. Daredevil

(As a bit of light-hearted reading before the issuance of the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter later today, here are some thoughts on two superheroes,...

Noah’s Ark as Spaceship

Noah (2014) Directed by Darren Aronofsky Written by Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel Has there ever been a successful adaptation of an episode from the Bible in a film?...

Thinking as Though God Exists: Newman on Evangelizing the “Nones”

Dr. Ryan Topping, of Newman Theological College in Edmonton, zealous proponent of true Catholic education, life-long teacher, prolific author and sometime contributor to these...

Palestrina’s Sicut Cervus

There are few - some may argue none - who can match Palestrina's composition, and his ars perfecta, in full form here with his motet...

Echoes of Ronald Knox and C.S. Lewis

Some years ago I wrote rather a long winded play, Shaw vs Chesterton, an imaginary debate between two great friends, G.K. Chesterton and Bernard...

Interview with Dorothy Cummings-McLean

What was your inspiration for A Ceremony of Innocence? A Ceremony of Innocence is very much a tribute to Graham Green and his book The...

The Catechism of Hockey

The Catechism of Hockey by Alyssa Bormes American Chesterton Society Books, 2013 ISBN: 978-0-97444-950-0 “What if Wayne Gretzky’s mother was his first teacher of hockey and supported him...

Captain America

Wow. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had it all: action, suspense, mystery, romance, camaraderie, spies, secrets, and—most importantly—awesome superheroes. The action scenes were spectacular, but...