Brother John: A Monk, A Pilgrim, and the Purpose of Life
August Turak has written a delightful little book – and by ‘little’, I mean the term in a way similar to Christ’s usage of...
Director: Danny Boyle, 98 min., U.K., 2004. Starring: Alex Etel, James Nesbitt, Daisy Donovan
Plot: (Spoiler alert!) The UK is about to switch its...
Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor – On Guitar
I wouldn't have thought it could be done, but for our musical selection this Sunday - after a respite from these - here is...
Three Reasons to Read the Book of Jonah this Lent
Every year, the Wednesday after Ash Wednesday, the Mass readings revolve around the prophet Jonah. Not only does the first reading come from the...
Trudeau’s MAiD Service: A Euthanasia Program for Canada
The development of the laws that legalized and continue to expand assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada reflect the speed at which society increasingly...
Ordination and Marriage in Hitchcock’s ‘I Confess’
(This analysis of Alfred Hitchock's film noir classic 'I Confess' offers some key insights, but, as a caveat, also gives away elements of the...
Keeping the Christmas Caroling: In Dulce Iubilo, the Wexford, and A Rose in Winter.
With the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God yesterday - or, in the usus antiquior, the Circumcision - the Octave of Christmas closes, but...
Marie of the Incarnation: A Canadian Mystic
Marie de l’Incarnation: Études de théologie spirituelle by Pierre Gervais, S.J.:  A Review
Pierre Gervais is a Canadian-born Jesuit, professor of systematic, sacramental, and spiritual...
Captain America
Wow. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had it all: action, suspense, mystery, romance, camaraderie, spies, secrets, and—most importantly—awesome superheroes. The action scenes were spectacular, but...
Romano Guardini’s ‘The End of the Modern World’
The End of the Modern World, a 1956 book by Italian-German priest and theologian, Romano Guardini, is not an easy or facile read. That...