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      Sunday Musical Selection

      Palestrina's Missa Lauda Sion, from his setting of Mass for four voices, published in 1582: https://youtu.be/Uq4-BgseDrU And Antonio Vivaldi's Lauda Jerusalem, composed in 1739: https://youtu.be/CYAn8roqEtA

      Beware of Communists Bearing Gifts

      (This article builds upon a previous one published at Catholic Insight on December 9, 2018 under the title Trojan Horse in the City of...

      Sunday Musical Selections

      An organ piece by Buxtehude - who, as you will hear, greatly influenced J.S. Bach, who once walked 250 miles to hear him play....

      Beauty and the Assumption

      In Dante’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy, the poet puts these words in the mouth of St. Bernard of Clairvaux as he gazes on...

      The Persistent Virtue of Woman

      A Canaanite woman . . . cried out, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a...

      Sunday Musical Selection: Tartini and Palestrina

      There are a lot of rumours about Guiseppe Tartini (1692 - 1770), a prodigious Baroque composer, who purportedly locked himself away to practise the...

      The Legendary Saint Helena

      The early life of Saint Helena, or Helen, who is commemorated on this August 18th, is shrouded in legend, with some historical roots, as...

      The Search for English Catholic Hymnody

      Catholics have praised God in song for the entirety of the faith’s history. Various expressions of devotion have given rise to countless compositions, and...

      Sunday Musical Selection

      To hear some virtuoso violin, treat yourself to Bach's Partita in B minor (BWV 1002), first published in 1720, for solo violin, as performed...

      The Reckoning

      After nearly six years of Liberal incompetence and corruption, compounded by long months of Canadian churches closed to prayer and worship, I consider that...