The Purity of Agnes and True Femininity

'Tis incumbent upon us on this day, as a new incumbent takes over in the Oval Office, one whose policies are inimical to the...

Washington’s Enclaved Elysium

For Biden's inauguration, 25,000 troops were stationed in Washington, with much of the area around the Capitol and White House closed off. So much...

The Covid Vaccine: Formal and Material Cooperation, and the Principle of Double Effect

Opinions on the 'vaccine' range from those who see it as the prophylactic panacea to bring us back to peace and normality - whatever...

Saint Francis de Sales and the Joy of Salvation

It would be ironic if on this feast of the patron saint of writers, as well as this week dedicated to Christian unity, we...

Saint Bridget of Ireland

Saint Bridget of Kildare (451 – 525), who lived a century after Saint Patrick (385 – 461), and a century before Saint Columbanus (543...

Hoping Against Hope

Whether the young and drunkards both abound in hope is a question asked by Saint Thomas in his treatise on that most enigmatic and...

Saint Jerome Emiliani’s Pilgrimage to Heaven

Today, with Saint Josephine Bakhita, we also celebrate Saint Gerolamo - or Jerome - Emiliani (+1537), who ran away from his home in Venice...

Will the Real Fascism Please Stand Up?

Yelling 'Fascist!'' is one vivid and quite effective way to shut down an honest debate - in the pre-mask era, a bit of spittle...

Salvifici Doloris: Hope and Joy in Suffering

On the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, back in 1984, Pope Saint John Paul II promulgated an Apostolic Letter on the mystery of...

Wake Up, Canada!

Réveillez-vous, Canada, and Joan Up! I appreciated Kennedy Hall's clarion call to stand fast against tyranny and oppression - with which I heartily agree -...