Good King Louis

We celebrate today in the universal Church one of my own favorites (not least since I was baptized on this day in bonnie Scotland...

Nature and Poetry

I apologize to my merry band of faithful readers for not posting for a bit.  I have been away, with limited time to write,...

Labor et Dolor

We recently held a faculty retreat at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, whose theme was 'Play'.  A curious focus, one might think, for serious-minded...

Of Liberals, Peterson and Free Trade

A fine good morning to all our readers, on this blustery mid-June day, at least as the weather is here in Ontario. I have...

A Debacle of a Debate

I watched a bit of the ‘debate’ last night between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and I use that term reservedly.  A debate is...

Saint Benedict and Travels

Today is the feast of Saint Benedict, with the variety of whose 'options' carrying his name he may not necessarily agree. At a young...

L’Arche, Pronouns and Police

L'Arche, the community founded by Jean Vanier, has clarified his ambiguous comments upon euthanasia, upon which I wrote a few months ago. You can...

Divorce, Sort of, Hollywood Style

Following the break-up of HiddleSwift, it seems as though an infectious virus dissolving relationships old and new is spreading through Tinseltown:  Naomi Watts and...

Lepanto, Language and Hurricanes

Today, the feast of the Most Holy Rosary, marks the 444th anniversary of one of the most decisive battles not only in naval...

Of Girl Power, Councils and Contraception

I trust all the Canadians out there had a very joyous and blessed Thanksgiving.  Our hearts go out to those affected by the torrential...