Labour Day

The memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, this year also happens to be Labour Day, which can be traced back, in Canada, to 1872,...

Evil Intentions

For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil intentions: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly....

Virtue, Vice and Everything Nice? Blessed Dina Belanger

Father Callam’s take on Christ’s declaration that it is what comes from within a man making him unclean, all those unbridled and disordered passions...

The Catholic Roots of Modern Science

A strange myth has evolved through recent centuries alleging that the Catholic Church was forever the enemy of science, and that it set out...

The Folly of the Liberals and their Universities vs. the Sanity of Teresa of...

The incompetence of the federal Liberals under our ideological Prime Minister – his mind cobwebbed by all too many of the wrong ideologies –...

Our Incarnational Faith

In the midst of the scandals and accusations, we should recall the great joys and blessings of our Faith, not least the gift of Mary, the...

The Loneliness of the Whistleblower

When Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was crusading against the Vladimir Putin government by investigating one crime after another, she had imagined the damning headlines...

Exalting in the Cross

We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection, through whom we are saved and...

Vienna and the Holy Name of Mary

September 12th commemorates the Battle of Vienna, the great victory in 1683 of the Christians armies, led by Jan Sobieski, against the Ottoman Turks...

Chrysostom, Siloam and Hurricanes

Saint John Chrysostom (+407), an ascetic and contemplative monk who wanted only to retreat from the turmoil of life in the Eastern empire, was...