Our Lady’s Good Counsel

Our Lady of Good Counsel - Mater Boni Consilii - is one of the many titles of the Virgin Mary, this one dating back...

Should Christians Judge?

Jesus said, “Stop judging that you may not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1) “Who are you to judge?” is the common refrain of those who might...

Ten Years Ago Today, Two Great Popes Were Canonized

One decade ago, on April 27th, 2014, John Paul II together with John XXIII, were both canonized at St Peter’s Square by Pope Francis....

Psalm 105:16-22 and Saint Joseph’s Sinlessness

On this Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, let us consider another article which was published on this very same feast day of May...

A Host of Mighty Miracles

As Christians we believe in miracles because the Gospels tell us of miracles performed by Jesus. No founder of any other world religion ever...

The Popes and the feast of Our Lady of Pompei

May 8th is the traditional feast day of Our Lady of Pompeii, which reminds us of the power of the Marian prayer of the...

Contraception and Contrition: A Christian Perspective

The celebration of Pentecost Sunday is also the perfect time to contemplate our life and review its history, a good opportunity to review our...

St Felix of Cantalice: The Friar who Saved the Capuchin Reform by his Holiness

On May 18th, we Capuchins celebrate the feast of St Felix of Cantalice. This humble lay brother played an important key in the way...

Holy Humour

Because jokes are not told in the Bible, some people wrongly suppose that religion must be a humourless business. So far is this from...

Father Kapaun’s March Through the Valley of Death

John Stansifer has written a fascinating and inspiring life – I could scarcely put it down - on Father Emil Kapaun, an army chaplain...