Investigation Yields Disturbing Findings on Catholic Relief Services

An exhaustive investigation by two Catholic organizations into Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in three African countries has revealed pervasive contraception promotion and abortion referrals. Joint research...

Defending the Holy Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is the defining dogma of Christianity: “The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion...

The Curious Case of Cardinal Pell

Asked if he had ever asked God, in the words of Christ on the cross, “Why have you forsaken me?” Cardinal Pell responded “No...

A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin

The 'Shroud of Turin', widely held as the very burial sheet of Our Lord, imprinted miraculously with the image of His own body, will...

Passion Sunday

The liturgical use of Scripture is by juxtaposition, i.e., an Old Testament text will be placed beside—juxtaposed to—one from the New Testament, the former...

Return From Exile

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are two of the lesser-known books of the Bible, but they are actually very important to understanding God’s...

Trudeau’s Tantrum

Most readers will have seen the bizarre behaviour of the Prime Minister yesterday evening.  As witnesses and the video record attest, Mr. Trudeau, in...

Saint Benedict: Ora et Labora

Today is the feast of Saint Benedict (ca. 480-547), the father of Western monasticism and one of the main forces in preserving Western culture...

Sunday Musical Offering: Three Emmanuels

For our Sunday musical offering, three versions of the ancient Advent hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, dating back 1200 years to monastic traditions...

The Loneliness of the Whistleblower

When Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was crusading against the Vladimir Putin government by investigating one crime after another, she had imagined the damning headlines...