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The (Non) Children of Men and the Indissoluble Nexus

...the malaise of modern man, his ennui, a global acedia, a spiritual sorrow that saps our soul. I would add a more Catholic element to Steyn’s comments. James’...

The Petersons and Palestrina

...when He arrives? And for a dose of full-blown Catholic music, here is the incomparable Palestrina, the master of the ars perfecta, with his Magnificat Primi Toni, in honour...

Pergolesi’s Sublime Stabat Mater

...span on earth. He did much with little, and we – alas – who do so little with much: And his Salve Regina, the Hail Holy Queen:  ...

Our Lady’s Musical Selection: Two Magnificats

...31st), based on an earlier version in 1723. It is one of the composer’s most performed choral works, and no wonder: And here is a version of the Magnificat...

Franz Schmidtโ€™s โ€œThe Book with Seven Sealsโ€ โ€” an Oratorio of the Apocalypse

...biblical narrative, as well as the use of hymn-like outbursts of praise, mark this as a deeply profound work of faith. For a complete performance, please see this link:

Rise and Fall: Everest and Constantinople

...that spirit of courage. For a riveting account of the story, here is a BBC documentary, which I for one quite enjoyed – but maybe that’s just me: May...

A Little Mozart and Bach to Lift Your Spirits

...Mozart: And, on this month of Mary, Bach’s Magnificat, originally composed in 1723 for Christmas, then another version, the one we most often performed, in 1733 without the seasonal...

Word Painting in William Byrdโ€™s Vigilate and Ave Verum Corpus

...countrymen to be watchful for the coming of the Lord. Byrd possibly—perhaps even likely—believed that Christ would return within his lifetime, or at least soon, to restore the Catholic Church...

Masterpieces of Easter Music

...someone wrote, the best art tends to be anonymous. And, of course, Palestrina’s 16th century polyphonic version, which, like all of his music, maintains the simple beauty of the...

Vivaldi and Piergolesi’s Stabat Maters

...the sorrows of Mary ‘standing by the Cross’, written either by Jacopone de Todi, or Pope Innocent III. In comparison, here is Giovanni Battista Piergolesi’s own version, presented just...