Brother John: A Monk, A Pilgrim, and the Purpose of Life

August Turak has written a delightful little book – and by ‘little’, I mean the term in a way similar to Christ’s usage of...

Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile

I just finished reading Joseph Pearce’s biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, subtitled ‘A Soul in Exile’, a remarkable book, packing a very full life into...

Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols

Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols by Mike Aquilina illustrated by Lea Marie Ravotti Our Sunday Visitor, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59276-450-1 More devotional than academic, this book begins by...

Evelyn Waugh’s Bitter Trial

“It must be observed that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.” St.Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II,...

The Ladder of Divine Ascent: A book to read during Lent

One of the great spiritual books that it is surely advisable to be read during the Lenten journey is The Ladder of Divine Ascent, written...

Trudeau’s MAiD Service: A Euthanasia Program for Canada

The development of the laws that legalized and continue to expand assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada reflect the speed at which society increasingly...

Hilary Mantel’s Reformation Revisionism

Hilary Mantel, English novelist  died last week at the age of 70. Her fame - or infamy, depending on one's perspective - rests largely...

Fires of Faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor

(Saint Thomas More was put to death on July 6th, even though we celebrate his feast on June 22nd, the day when his compatriot...

History, Humanity, and Redemption: A Review of “To Crown With Liberty”

I hope this review might provide a double service to readers. I am excited to promote both a new novel, which provides the core...

What to expect when no one’s expecting

What to expect when no one’s expecting: America’s coming demographic disaster by Jonathan V. Last Encounter Books, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-59403-641-5 In 1796 Thomas Malthus published An Essay on...