The Ladder of Divine Ascent: A book to read during Lent

One of the great spiritual books that it is surely advisable to be read during the Lenten journey is The Ladder of Divine Ascent, written...

Evelyn Waugh’s Bitter Trial

“It must be observed that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.” St.Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II,...

Echoes of Ronald Knox and C.S. Lewis

Some years ago I wrote rather a long winded play, Shaw vs Chesterton, an imaginary debate between two great friends, G.K. Chesterton and Bernard...

Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ

Austin Ruse, Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2017.       With  modern medical breakthroughs, treatments and  medicines,...

Fires of Faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor

(Saint Thomas More was put to death on July 6th, even though we celebrate his feast on June 22nd, the day when his compatriot...

A traditional gem from a young composer: a review of “New Catholic Hymns”

It is unusual to encounter newly-written sacred music that appeals to traditional hymnodic taste; perhaps it is unsurprising that when such music does appear,...

Pilgrim Eagle: A Review of Charles A. Coulombe’s History Text Puritan’s Empire

  “This above all: To thine own self be true.”   -William Shakespeare       Puritan’s Empire by Charles A. Coulombe is a unique tour-de-force of American history from a Catholic...

On the Lord’s Appearing: A Review

(From the archives, but always new, here is a review of an excellent book by Father Jonathan Robinson, provost of the Toronto Oratory.  A...

Marie of the Incarnation: A Canadian Mystic

Marie de l’Incarnation: Études de thĂ©ologie spirituelle by Pierre Gervais, S.J.:  A Review   Pierre Gervais is a Canadian-born Jesuit, professor of systematic, sacramental, and spiritual...

Festival and Ferial, by Anna Rist: A Review

Festival and Ferial Anna Rist Kaufmann Publishing, St. Simon’s Island , 2014 ISBN : 978-0-9905329-3-4   In one of his Odes (IV.2) Horace describes the danger of trying to...