From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’ War: A Review
The fight for Tradition in the Church, in particular her liturgy, is a long and arduous one that will not cease until the parousia,...
Pilgrim Eagle: A Review of Charles A. Coulombe’s History Text Puritan’s Empire
“This above all: To thine own self be true.”
-William Shakespeare
Puritan’s Empire by Charles A. Coulombe is a unique tour-de-force of American history from a Catholic...
My Sister’s Keeper: A Pro-Life Book Review
It all begins with a bruise: a little clover-shaped bruise. While bathing her two-year-old daughter, Sarah finds a trail of little brown bruises running...
Reading the Church Fathers: A Review
As I was reading Reading the Church Fathers: A History of the Early Church and the Development of Doctrine, a brand new magnum opus...
By Reason Alone: Assembling the great puzzle
By Reason Alone: Assembling the Great Puzzle
by Jacek Bacz
Justin Press, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-98131-844-8
At the start of this rewarding book Jacek Bacz states that it is...
Brother John: A Monk, A Pilgrim, and the Purpose of Life
August Turak has written a delightful little book – and by ‘little’, I mean the term in a way similar to Christ’s usage of...
Trudeau’s MAiD Service: A Euthanasia Program for Canada
The development of the laws that legalized and continue to expand assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada reflect the speed at which society increasingly...
Marie of the Incarnation: A Canadian Mystic
Marie de l’Incarnation: Études de théologie spirituelle by Pierre Gervais, S.J.: A Review
Pierre Gervais is a Canadian-born Jesuit, professor of systematic, sacramental, and spiritual...
A traditional gem from a young composer: a review of “New Catholic Hymns”
It is unusual to encounter newly-written sacred music that appeals to traditional hymnodic taste; perhaps it is unsurprising that when such music does appear,...
On the Beach, With Benedict and Hope
Pope Benedict XVI, in his second encyclical, the 2008 Spe Salvi (Salvific Hope) offers a distinction from the Letter to the Hebrews: We as...