The Great Leo

Pope Saint Leo the Great, who reigned from 440 until his death on this day in 461, was known for many things.  With his...

The duty to defend

For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!’’ But it’s “Saviour of ’is country,’’ when the guns begin to...

Leo the Great

Pope Saint Leo the Great, who reigned from 440 until his death on this day in 461, was known for many things.  With his...

Une Autre Terrorisme Attaque

(There are another terrorist attack in France yesterday, in Paris, near the Champs D'Elysees, a police officer targeted and killed with the usual suspect,...

Vincent the Deacon’s Silent Ordeal

Saint Vincent the Deacon (+304), who suffered grievous tortures witnessing to his Catholic faith under the Diocletian persecution (as did yesterday's Saint Agnes) is...

Cornelius, Cyprian, Schisms and Apostasies

Saint Cornelius was Pope for a scant two years in the third century, elected in 251, fighting against his fellow bishop Novatian, who declared...

Saints Hilary and Mungo

On this 13th day of January, in bleak midwinter, we celebrate two saints. The first, in the public calendar, is the great Saint Hilary...

Rumblings in the Jungle

Mount Agung in the Indonesian resort island of Bali is currently erupting, and residents and tourists are waiting to see if it will really...

And the Virgin’s Name was Mary

In honour of this memorial of the Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin, we might peruse Pope Saint John Paul II's encyclical on the Rosary,...

Conservative Prudence?

I received a rather critical email in response to my last post on the Conservative capitulation, so thought I should clarify my, and hopefully...