Chaos and Hell for a Godless World: Indifference in Matters of Religion, Part I

(This is the first of a three-part article on the tragic effects of indifference toward religion) Several years ago I stumbled upon a Catholic classic,...

God’s Shining Holiness in a Humble Priest

Wednesday 4 August 2021 is a special day for both shepherds and the flock - the feast of the holy Curé of Ars St...

Pope Benedict and the Curé d’Ars

(The holiness of the Church - and hence the salvation of the world, and the souls thereon, depends much upon the holiness of her...

A Primer on Human Embryology

Introduction Pro-life issues are among the most important facing Catholics and other believers throughout the world.  Abortion must certainly rank as the top issue in...

Transfiguration Unto Divine Glory

A blessed and grace-filled feast of the Transfiguration to all our readers, where Christ allowed the Apostles - Peter, James and John - to...

Sharing the Transfigured Christ with Others

The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ commemorates the event wherein Jesus took the three closest disciples of Peter, James and...

A Catholic Physician’s Perspective on the Current State of Medicine

I’ve been a physician for a very long time, and I still love what I do.  I would not have had it any other...

What We Should Believe About Saint Joseph

Many years ago I was given a copy of the book Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Doctor Ludwig Ott as a gift. I considered...

The Great Dominican Dream

August 8th is the feast of St Dominic Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order. This year St Dominic’s feast is special because we are...

Preferential Treatment

On July 27, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, provided an update on the government's response to the present COVID19 pandemic....