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      A Brief History of Vaccines, Their Efficacy and Why These Ones Are Different

      “To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question”, soliloquised Piglet, “since all vaccines are equal, but some vaccines are more equal than...

      Pandemic and the PCR Test: Questionable Reliability

      (Eshan Dias' explanation of the process of testing for Covid-19 uses some scientific terminology, but well worth a read for understanding how the PCR...

      The Holy Eucharist and ‘Being There’: Much of Life is All About Showing Up

      Simple facts can often be significant . . . and often unadverted to. Consider the Last Supper. Obviously, the Apostles had to be present...

      The Richness of the Holy Eucharist!

      One of the most beautiful ways that the Holy Spirit teaches me to think about the Eucharist is that of pondering upon its immense...

      Lauda Sion

      From Tomás Luis de Victoria,  his motet in praise of the Holy Eucharist, from 1585, in an era when the Holy Sacrifice of the...

      The Church is Eucharistic in Her Very Essence

      O Sacred banquet in which Christ is received, the memory of His Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge...

      In Defense of Sanity: Chesterton’s Remedy

      G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) hardly needs an introduction to the typical reader of Catholic literature. Author of more than sixty books of essays, fiction, poetry,...

      The New Lepers?

      (I have an article coming out on the scientific method - how we develop 'models' to explain the universe, either in some small way...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      Pope John Paul II’s First Visitation

      (Here is Pope Saint John Paul II's first homily for the feast of the Visitation, to close off his first Marian month as Pope,...

      Two Trinitarian Palestrinas

      In honour of the Most Holy Trinity, Palestrina's Veni Sancte Spiritus, for four voices, first published in 1575. https://youtu.be/J0FdXADkCzs Compare with his later (1589) Veni Creator...