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      My Anniversary of Ordination, Saint Joseph and Father’s Day

      Today, Sunday 20, 2021, in the English speaking world, we celebrate Father’s Day. That means that both Malta as well as Canada are celebrating...

      The Cruise of the ‘Nona’

      Hilaire Belloc, The Cruise of the 'Nona.’ 1925 On the whole, of the cads and gentlemen I have met, I could give the cads a shade of...

      Theological Reflections on Cloning:  Personhood and Reproduction

      (Some may not agree with all of  Dr. Alexander Lozano's conclusions, but his analysis of the issue of ensoulment and cloning is certainly an...

      Homesick at Home

      He looked at the dandelions and crickets and realized that he was gigantic. We are too fond of reckoning by mountains, every object is infinitely...

      Saint Anthony of Padua’s Enduring Popularity

      On Sunday 13 2021 the universal Church, and particularly, the Franciscan Order, celebrate with great joy the feast of St Anthony of Padua. In the...

      Eleventh Sunday: The Vital Necessity of the Mass

      It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name (Ps. 92). Our celebration of the Paschal Mystery in all...

      The Saints and the Sacred Heart

      If the Lord never tires to forgive it is because His heart is never tired from loving us, poor sinners. In fact, God’s love...

      Should We Care About Pride?

      This is a question that I find myself pondering with some regularity, but for the last few years during the month of June –...

      A Brief History of Vaccines, Their Efficacy and Why These Ones Are Different

      “To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question”, soliloquised Piglet, “since all vaccines are equal, but some vaccines are more equal than...

      Pandemic and the PCR Test: Questionable Reliability

      (Eshan Dias' explanation of the process of testing for Covid-19 uses some scientific terminology, but well worth a read for understanding how the PCR...