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      Compassionate Killing: Lessons Learned From Nurses in the Nazi Era

      We posted this documentary in the article on the barbarism of Bill C-7, but thought it important enough to stand on its own. Fascinating,...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      John Paul II and Cathedra Petri

      EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION WITH THE NEW CARDINALS HOMILY OF JOHN PAUL II Thursday, 22 February 2001 Feast of Saint Peter's Chair 1. "'Who do you say that I am?'. Simon...

      Fields Where Freedom Grows

      In Flanders Fields where poppies grow Lines of a poem that I know Today takes on a different meaning To those who are divergently leaning.   'Lest we forget';...

      O antiphon, O antiphon..

      These last few days before Christmas bring all kinds of crazy out of the woodwork, don’t they? It really is ironic how rude and...

      Science and Religion: Natural Enemies, or Best Friends Forever?

      For Blaise Pascal, a seventeenth century mathematician and scientist, faith in God is the most necessary and therefore the most reasonable thing in the...

      Place at Table

      He died twelve years ago Love of her life, joy of her heart Father of her children Grandfather always with a smile Taken after a short illness Cancer stricken...

      Canada’s New World Disorder

      Your degeneracy is astonishing. Find God,” responded Josh Alexander to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s June 21 tweet from Reykjavik:“Took this yesterday before heading home...

      Vatican releases survey on faith and doctrine: world says Church is now democracy

      The Vatican just released a survey asking for parish-level input on next year's Synod on Faith and Family. The questionnaire has been sent to all Catholic parishes;...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      Saint John Paul II: The Pope Who Taught Us Not to Be Afraid

      As we celebrate the feast of St John Paul II, October 22nd, my thoughts to this great Pope of the Church, along with a...


      Can you imagine what it would be like to watch your best friend being tortured to death? Nearly naked—missing most of his clothing and...