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      Keeping the Republic

      The most marked political tendency of the American people has been to interpret their government as a pure and simple democracy, and to shift...

      Motets in Honour of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph, Two Very Just Men

      Arvo Pärt , an Estonian composer (born 1935, and still going - those hardy Estonians!), is known for his method of tintinabulli, which is...

      Human Words and the Divine Word

      Speaking to her beloved Romeo, Juliet says, "What's in a name?  That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as...

      Parenting: fake it till you make it.

      I am a stay at home mom. My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have 2 children: Eleni, who...

      The Modus Operandi of Pope Francis

      Like many around the world, Catholic or not, I have been trying to figure out Pope Francis.  It is always a difficult task to...

      Why We Need Norman Rockwell

      If there’s one thing the seemingly ever-lingering 'pandemic' has inflicted, it’s a strain on ordinary human interaction. In November of 2021, when many long-closed museums...

      Australia needs the Sacred Heart of Jesus

      (Australia, the antipodean Land Down Under, is under a severe lockdown, with people arrested for surfing all alone, and, what is far worse, no...

      A Christmas and New Year’s Meditation: To the Future, with Hope

      The Divine Office is the prayer book of priests. It consists of psalms, hymns and prayers that are said through the day. Some lay...

      Canada and Postmodernism’s Poster Boy

      I would like to offer a reflection on the link between postmodernism and the state of our nation, its ruling government and the 23rd...

      Byrd’s Reges et Sanctis

      A blessed feast of Our Lord's Baptism to all our readers! In the midst of a world gone mad, 'tis incumbent that we Catholics...