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      Everyday Advice from Saint Thomas

      One of the greatest minds of all time is certainly that of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), whose feast we celebrate on this January 28th. Even...

      A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin

      The 'Shroud of Turin', widely held as the very burial sheet of Our Lord, imprinted miraculously with the image of His own body, will...
      kids bulletin

      The Kids’ Bulletin: A fun way for Catholic kids to learn about the...

       Yes, the title and subtitle above taken from the Kids’ Bulletin website best describes a liturgy project that is being well received by parents,...


      The 1987 movie RoboCop has become a household classic over the last 27 years and even if you have not seen it, chances are you have...

      Musical Offering: Ecce Sacerdos Magnus

      In honour of the new archbishop-elect to Canada's largest diocese, for our musical selection this week, we offer two version of the great motet...

      A Bad Moon Risin’

      In response to a town-hall question during his cross-Canada tour, Prime Minister Trudeau doubled down on the controversial abortion attestation box on the application...

      Private Versus Public Morality

      Toward the end of his term in office, American President Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court of the United States. ...