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      Silence and the Clericalism of Fr. Rodrigues

      Father Scott Murray Scorsese’s film adaptation of Shusaku Endo’s Silence is true to the original. In fact, I don’t believe I have ever seen a...

      Is Religion a Force for the Good?

      Most people regard religion as a constructive and positive force in human history, while some regard it as a false and negative force. Naturally,...

      The Miracle on the Vistula – An Untold Story

      "...faith and prayer are forces that can influence history and that in the end prayer is more powerful than bullets and faith more powerful...

      Fifth Sunday: The Salt of the Earth and Light to the World

      ‘You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden’ (Mt. 5:14). Imagine the astonishment of those who heard...

      The Glorious Witness of the Ugandan Martyrs

      If the Church seems moribund in North America, there is hope in the vast continent of Africa, where there are untold millions of Catholics,...

      The Holy Mass Part II: What God Does for Us, and What We Do...

      This Sunday’s reflection is the second in a series of meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with specific references to the Ancient...

      Pro-Life… Is It Working?

      For the Pro-Life movement, it was a perfect storm of related events causing many of its supporters to wonder why the movement itself appears...

      Musica Vaticana

      Musica Vaticana Featuring Christopher Jackson (Artistic Director) ATMA Classique, 2011 The Cappella Giulia is the name of St. Peter’s choir in Rome, founded in 1513 by Julius...

      Ukrainian Pysanky Eggs

      From our archives, Sharon-Rose Milan - now Sharon-Rose Fraser, wife and mother - from years ago, in April. She is still an artist and...

      The Lenten Fast for Today’s Catholic

      Can there be a shorter account of Our Lord’s forty days in the desert than the one from Saint Mark? It omits not only...