Gregory the Great, a Pope for All Seasons

One of the great joys of history is reminiscing about the past, giving hope for the present; for history is ‘eschatological’, moving towards a...

Is the SSPX Really a Refuge for Traditional Catholics?

Where do traditional Catholics go from here? Of course, all Catholics should be 'traditional', in the sense of preserving, living by and handing on...

‘Love’ Isn’t Always Love

'Anti-hate' is all the rage, if one may excuse the mixed metaphor. The ‘anti’ of something is, logically, its contrary, and the contrary of...

Maria Goretti, A Martyr for Chastity

It was a day much like today, a hot, humid and sweltering July 6th in the year of our Lord 1902, one hundred and...

Sine Dominico Non Possumus

A blessed and grace-filled Solemnity of Corpus Christi! To our Canadian readers, at least, where this day is moved from its regular Thursday, recalling...

Storming the Beaches for Freedom

June 6th was the 77th anniversary of the storming of Normandy, the Allied offensive on the north shore of France, taking the war to...

Remembering All the Children

There are different ways of being a hypocrite, some worse than others. There are some of us – let’s just say all of us...

Recognizing Lies and Truth

There are different ways to lie. The classical definition is ‘to enunciate a falsehood with the intent to deceive’, derived from Saint Augustine, adopted...

The Limits of Papal Authority

(In light of Pope Francis' recent comments that those who refused to get the Covid 'vaxx' is tantamount to quasi-suicide, here are my thoughts...

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Bent Iron, and Summer’s Solstice

On this memorial we remember Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (+ 1591), a Jesuit scholastic who died at what we might consider the too-young age of...