Pope Sixtus and Companions, Martyrs To the End

Historians count ten traditional persecutions of Christians in the early Church – from the first, under Nero, beginning in 63 A.D. through a series...

The Legendary Saint Helena

The early life of Saint Helena, or Helen, who is commemorated on this August 18th, is shrouded in legend, with some historical roots, as...

The Enigmatic and Ecstatic Life of Rose of Lima

Rose of Lima (+1617), whose birth name was Isabel, was called 'Rose' when a servant saw her face mystically transformed into the beautiful flower...

Saint Pius X and Restoring All Things in Christ

Saint Pius X (+1914) was the first of peasant to be elected Pope in centuries, the bishops of Rome all being chosen from the...

The Baptist and Losing One’s Head

The celebration of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist - it was an expeditious entrance into heaven - is sort of a bookend...

The 440 Hertz Conspiracy

I had no idea this was even a thing, but as I was preparing to teach a Chorus class, I came across this article...

The Costa and Celibacy

Pope Emeritus Benedict and Cardinal Sarah have just released a book in defence of clerical celibacy, just as Pope Francis is pondering relaxing the...

Saint James and the Reconquista

Before we leave Saint James the Greater and polygamy behind for now, two further factoids that came across my attention:  It seems the Mormons...

Beauty Ever Ancient, Ever New

What can one say about Saint Augustine, the great bishop and doctor of the Church, who died on this day in the year of...

The Church and China

It was a dramatic scene: venerable Cardinal Zen, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, a lifelong foe and survivor of Communism in China, a spiritual...