Cardinal Stephen Langton and the Magna Carta

(A very a propos and providential piece by Carl Sundell, as we all have our own truculent and tyrannical 'King Johns' sitting on our...

Fraternal Trust and Care of the Sick

As has been the custom for the last thirty-eight years, on Thursday 11 February, precisely on the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes,...

Adoration and Philosophy

All Catholics should go to Eucharistic Adoration.  Most Catholics, myself included, should go to Adoration more than they do, whether they go regularly, occasionally,...

Quinquagesima Sunday

When I was a child, I spoke as child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a...

Enforcing the Party Line – Or is that Lie?

We shall proclaim destruction – why? why? – well, Because the idea is so fascinating. But we must get a little exercise. We’ll have a few...

The Psychology of Fasting

Fasting was an essential aspect of primitive Christianity, as it had been in Old Testament times. That the followers of Jesus would fast is...

Update on Bill C-7, ‘MAiD’, and Free-for-All Euthanasia

It seems the Senate has voted down the amendment that would have protected the freedom of conscience of health care professionals.  All hope is...

Doubt on Doubling Down

Are we still permitted to question and debate the mask and lockdowns, or is the new inquisition muzzling us in more than a figurative...

Chastity: Appreciating An Underappreciated Virtue

”Then Pilate took Jesus and had him scourged” (John 19: 1) The visions of the 19th century German mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, vividly depict...

A Brief History of Eminent Atheists

Here is a sober thought. Let us suppose we might be looking for the first atheists in the history of the world. My candidates...