Aiming for Heaven to Win the Culture War, and On the Way, Answer What...

Should Catholics focus on winning political battles as the primary means of reclaiming the culture? Should we put our Faith on the back burner...

The Demands of the Christian Life

The Gospel of Luke combines inexpressible tenderness with an intolerable severity. Consider the contrast between the parables of the prodigal son or the good...

Twenty-First Sunday: Entering By the Narrow Gate to Find True Freedom

Strive to enter to through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able (Lk. 13:...

Twentieth Sunday: Casting Fire Upon the Earth!

I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism with which to be...

Laughter and Weeping, Riches and Wealth

Occasionally, in hearing confessions, I encounter a penitent who has been away from the sacraments for a number of years. When it comes time...

Diversity, The First Person In The Triad Of The New Religion

Introduction Diversity is esteemed to be an overarching good and a fundamental value such as love, prudence or justice, which are deemed always good irrespective...

Nineteenth Sunday: Consolation and Exhortation

‘Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom’ (Lk. 12:32). ⧾ These are perhaps among the most...

Transfiguration Unto Divine Glory

A blessed and grace-filled feast of the Transfiguration to all our readers, where Christ allowed the Apostles - Peter, James and John - to...

St John Marie Vianney, Our Life’s Companion

Recently, as I was reading, I came across a very intriguing quote by Robert Lee Fulghum, who said: The solution to alone-ness is not...

Pope Benedict and the Curé d’Ars

(The holiness of the Church - and hence the salvation of the world, and the souls thereon, depends much upon the holiness of her...