Canada at the Gates of…

“It is gravely unjust to enact laws that legalize euthanasia or justify and support suicide, invoking the false right to choose a death improperly...

Trials, Purification and Transfiguration

And He was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white (Mt. 17:2). On the second Sunday...

400th Anniversary of Saint Joseph as Patron of Canada

In 1624, Father Joseph LeCaron, an early Recollet missionary here in Canada, consecrated this land to Saint Joseph, adopting him as the nation's patron...

Third Sunday and Thirsting at the Well For the Water of Life

‘Give me a drink’ (Jn. 4:7). The conversation of Our Lord and the Samaritan woman revolves around the gift of water. This request is presented...

Christ Comes to Meet Us, To Take Away our Sins

As we journey through the beautiful season of Lent the Church has provided us with some magnificent Gospel readings. In the First Sunday of...

Mercy, Not Mutilation!

(Father Robert Weaver makes an intriguing analogy here, in the theme of not accepting 'who we are' before God, whether that be a different...

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Siloam and Spiritual Blindness

Once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light – for the fruit of the light...

A True Fairy Tale

We have heard that “God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform,” a phrase that occurred to me as I listened to the...

Jane Austen’s Sensible Conscience

It’s hard to contain my pleasure or my surprise at the continuing interest in Jane Austen. The more-or-less successful adaptations of her books for...

Distinguishing Equalities

The third person of the unholy triad of the new religion is siamese and it is worth distinguishing between these twins since it may...