The Mask slips on Radical Environmentalism

People who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. William Penn In the shadow of the Climate Change conference in Kadowice last...

Karl Stern on Psychiatry and Religion

“On the deepest, ontological level, it is true that where there is Neurosis there is something wrong with Faith, Hope, and Charity.” Karl Stern Karl...

The Sanctity of Life in Light of the Incarnation

As a New Year approaches, may we still keep our sights on the true meaning and significance of Christmas, that is, the Incarnation. May...

C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity and the Puritan Paradigm of Conversion

 In a letter of 11 December 1944 C. S. Lewis mentions five “shining examples of human holiness”. Along with Saint Francis, George Herbert, George...

Excerpts from Pope Benedict’s Last Christmas Homily

Again and again the beauty of this Gospel touches our hearts: a beauty that is the splendour of truth. Again and again it astonishes...

Christmas—The Fullness of Love

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full....

A Review of Creed II: Reflections on the Rocky Saga & the Intrinsic Value...

The eighth “chapter” of the Rocky series, Creed II, was released on November 21. Continuing in the tradition of the previous seven chapters of...

3rd Sunday of Advent: Rejoice, the Lord is near

His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation (Lk 1:4). Once again on this third Sunday of Advent we encounter the figure...

Climate Babies: To Bear, or not to Bear

What sad, pinched lives the climate zealots must live, every emission of carbon and its derivatives a cause of sorrow, guilt, regret. You may...

The Trojan Horse in the City of God

Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, is the story of the war waged by Greece against the city of Troy. Unable to vanquish the Trojans...