Blessed Apollinaire Morel of Posat

Jean-Jacques Morel was born in a village in the proximity of Fribourg in Switzerland on June 12, 1739. He came into the world after...

A Day of Four Saints

We celebrate a veritable panoply of saints today: In Canada, we have the memorial of Saint Marguerite D’Youville (+1771), the first Canadian-born saint. She...

Joseph, the Image of God the Father

In previous articles that I have written, I have noted the merits and demerits of certain ways of describing the fatherhood of Saint Joseph,...

Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton: The First American-Born Saint

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774 - 1821) signifies what America once was and, by the grace of God, may yet be again. A rich...

Saint Polycarp’s – Baked Bread and Boldness

The Church has had martyrs since her earliest days, and will have them unto the end of time.  One of the first in the...

Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, the Mighty Maid of Orleans

My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded: the lowliness of his handmaiden:...

Alphonsus of Ligouri, A Moral Teacher for All Ages

Saint Alphonsus Ligouri (1696 - 1787) was a renaissance man, whose kind was a rarity in his era, centuries after the renaissance, and even...

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart

Today in Canada we celebrate Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (+1690), a contemplative nun in France, who from childhood devoted herself to God, with some rather...

Saint Leopold Mandić: a living icon of the Good Samaritan

Friday, May 12th, we Franciscan Capuchins celebrate with great joy the feast of our Capuchin confrere St Leopold Mandić. Who was this great man...

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

The saint today is one of the patrons of Hungary, Elizabeth (+1320), the niece of Saint Hedwig of Silesia, (+1243) whom we celebrated in...