John Chrysostom: The Man with the Golden Mouth

Saint John Chrysostom (+407) was a model bishop, a doctor of the Church, an ascetic and contemplative monk who wanted only to retreat from...

Pope Benedict and Saint Cyril of Alexandria

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 3 October 2007 Saint Cyril of Alexandria Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today too, continuing our journey following the traces left by the...

Pope Benedict and Saint Gregory Nazianzus: Kindred Spirits

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 8 August 2007 Saint Gregory Nazianzus (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Wednesday, I talked about St Basil, a Father of...

Saint George, Shakespeare and the Millennium

Today is a national holiday in England - as they commemorate the semi-legendary Saint George, martyr for the Faith, slayer of the dragon and...

Justin, the Martyr Philosopher

Saint Justin (+165) who is called the 'martyr', was born around the time the last Apostle, John, departed this life for heaven. Justin was...

The Enigmatic and Ecstatic Life of Rose of Lima

Rose of Lima (+1617), whose birth name was Isabel, was called 'Rose' when a servant saw her face mystically transformed soon after she was...

The Formidable Forgiveness of Josephine Bakhita

On this day in 1947, February 8th, Sister Josephine Bakhita completed the long and eventful journey of her life. Born around 1869 - she...

Saint Benedict and His Option

A blessed feast of Saint Benedict (+543), as we commemorate the monk credited with saving what we know as 'civilization'. As a student in...

Pope Benedict and Saint Basil the Great

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 4 July 2007 Saint Basil (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Let us remember today one of the great Fathers of the...

Saint Serafino da Montegranaro

In the Little Flowers of St Francis, which is a florilegium in 53 short chapters which in it we find contained the life of St...