Saint John, the Apostle of the Logos

On this third day of Christmas, we not only get three french hens, but, far better, we get to celebrate the beloved Apostle, Saint...

Saint John the Beloved, Seer of Patmos

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 23 August 2006 John, the Seer of Patmos Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the last Catechesis we had reached the meditation...

Pope Benedict and Saint Stephen

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 2 May 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our recent Catecheses we have seen how through personal and community prayer the...

On the Feast of Stephen…not Boxing Day

As the mid-19th century hymn has it, Good King Wenceslaus first went out, on the feast of Stephen, when the snow lay 'round about,...

Three Surprising Saints from the Old Testament for Advent

(December 24th, Christmas Eve, is the traditional commemoration of the 'ancestors of Christ', in particular Adam and Eve, whom we recall on this day,...

O Mary, Conceived Without Sin

(Father Marco Testa was planning to submit this reflection back on December 8th, but due to technical difficulties, the article could only be sent...

John of Kanty’s Holy Hidden Life

On this Christmas Eve's Eve, we celebrate in a subdued manner the commemoration of John of Cantius (1390 - 1473), or 'Kanty' in the...

Canisius the Indefatigable

Saint Peter Canisius (1521-1597) was a Dutch Jesuit back in the earliest days of the Order, one of the first to join Ignatius' company,...

Saint Dominic of Silos and His Chanting Monks

Saint Dominic of Silos died on this December 20th, in 1073, at the monastery he had founded in the southern part of northern Spain....

Master in the Faith: Saint John of the Cross

(Karol Wotyla did his theological doctorate on the mystical poetry of Saint John of the Cross, so he writes here not only as Pope,...