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      Cardinal Sins

      Already suffering the sustained heat of this long, hot summer, Catholics everywhere have also been stunned by the sudden fall from grace of Cardinal...

      Tragic Truths Admitted

      One can scarcely believe the admission of Democratic State Representative John Rogers, who will go down in infamy for admitting the following concerning babies...

      American Oracles: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt

      In 2014 there was an incident in Colorado that would jolt the sensibilities of many older Americans. At one school district, students organized to...

      How to Defeat Euthanasia: A Personal Story

      As the ten-horned apocalyptic beast called euthanasia lies in wait at our door and we begin to reflect on how to protect our loved...

      The Anti-Depressant Saint

      If it 'twere not the Sixth Sunday of Easter, we would celebrate today one of the most joyful and idiosyncratic of saints, Philip Neri,...

      Totalitarian Media

      There are two primary things that totalitarian regimes seek to control, and whose take-over are themselves a sign of creeping totalitarianism in any society:...

      Efficiency and computers

      I neither like nor dislike computers. I suppose I think computers are rather ugly things, useful for doing boring or repetitious tasks quickly, but...

      The Ladder of Divine Ascent: A book to read during Lent

      One of the great spiritual books that it is surely advisable to be read during the Lenten journey is The Ladder of Divine Ascent, written...

      Nebraska: A Review

      Nebraska (2013) Written by Bob Nelson Directed by Alexander Payne A society which has lost its religion becomes sooner or later a society which has lost its...

      Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart

      Today in Canada we celebrate Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (+1690), a contemplative nun in France, who from childhood devoted herself to God, with some rather...