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      Mary and Beauty

      I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. (Genesis 3:16)   Ironically, although technological advances have made it possible for...

      Putting Covid in Perspective: A Reflection

      (Even if one may not agree with everything herein - and who said we have to agree on everything? - this is certainly an...

      The Holy Mass Part VI: The Bread of Life

      This Sunday’s reflection is the sixth in a series of meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with specific references to the Ancient...

      Fourth Sunday and the Spirit of Advent

      The figures of Advent we have met in the liturgy are the prophet Isaiah, John the Baptist and now, on the fourth Sunday, Our...

      The tabernacle and the feast

      The Eucharist is reserved in churches or oratories to serve as the spiritual center of a religious community or a parish community. - Paul...

      The Question of ‘Bioethics’

      “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” – Supreme Court decision Buck vs. Bell   Carrie Buck was 17 when she was forced to enter the Virginia...

      The Strength of the Transfiguration

      So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a...

      Daily Quotation: Thomas Aquinas

      Just in case you thought Saint Thomas Aquinas was a solitary, ivory-tower academic, here are two thoughts for all of us to ponder, in...

      Kyrie for Peace

      It seems a propos as our musical selection to meditate with an Eastern choral Kyrie, for peace in Ukraine: https://youtu.be/FBDi9vqQrIE

      Jean Vanier and the Way of the Heart

      In Toronto, the disparity between rich and poor is graphically evident. There are the haves and the have-nots. Those who ride in limousines, dine at...