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      Pope Benedict and Saint John Chrysostom

      BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 19 September 2007 Saint John Chrysostom (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year is the 16th centenary of St John Chrysostom's death...

      Our Lady, Help of Christians

      Today is the memorial of Our Lady Help of Christians, a title that seems first to have been used by Saint John Chrysostom, patriarch...

      The Serendipity of Marriage

      I attended a winter wedding this past weekend, something I have the honour and privilege of doing more often than most (attend weddings, that...

      Baptism and Hearing the Word of God

      ‘Ephphatha,’ that is ‘Be opened.’ And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly (Mk. 6:51). ⧾ At the...

      The Greatness of Humility

      Twenty-second Sunday Per Annum (C) September 1, 2019. Perform your tasks with humility….To the humble the Lord reveals His secrets…By the humble He is glorified...

      History, Humanity, and Redemption: A Review of “To Crown With Liberty”

      I hope this review might provide a double service to readers. I am excited to promote both a new novel, which provides the core...

      Thirty Third Sunday: Remaining Faithful Unto the End

      Beware that you are not led astray (Lk. 21:8). The sacred liturgy again today directs our attention to the eschaton, the teaching about the end...

      Ite Ad Joseph: The Archbishop’s Novena

      As promised, I have pasted below the novena prayer to Saint Joseph, which  the Archbishop of Ottawa, Terence Prendergast, has asked all Catholics in...

      Ordination and Marriage in Hitchcock’s ‘I Confess’

      (This analysis of Alfred Hitchock's film noir classic 'I Confess' offers some key insights, but, as a caveat, also gives away elements of the...

      Post Epiphany

      The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of Ordinary Time. It is a...