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      Pirates of Penzance!

      Come and see Seat of Wisdom's performance of Pirates of Penzance, Gilbert and Sullivan's 1880 rollicking musical operetta, filled with music, singing, dancing, harmonies galore,...

      Divine Friendship

      Our Gospel reading today is a continuation of last Sunday’s reading. You recall that in the beatitudes Our Lord invites us to tread the...

      Forgive our Sins as We Forgive

      I’ve been hearing confessions, now, for over fifty years, and I have noticed that there is one sin that comes up more than any...

      Polycarp’s Late and Early Witness

      Commemorating a simpler time in the nascent Church, today is the memorial of Saint Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, and a disciple of Saint John...

      Benedict on Homosexuality and the Priesthood

      In a 2011 article, Father Brian Mullady ponders the question of homosexuality in the priesthood, a theme abounding everywhere, except where it might most...

      The Iranian Revolution … 40 years later

      “What did I do to them?” Shah Reza Pahlavi, 1979 Throughout the world, February 11 of this year may have seemed like any other day. It...

      G.K. Chesterton as Catholic Apologist

      G.K. Chesterton is known as the most often quoted of any writer . . . and the least often read. It’s easy to see...

      Blackface or Blackheart?

      Minstrelsy has a rather long and convoluted history, its origin with a singing group of white men from Virginia - the Virginia Minstrels -...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      Witnessing to Truth

      (In light of today's feast of the Martyrs of Japan, what follows is a brief excerpt from Pope Saint John Paul II's masterpiece -...

      Wherefore art thou, Modesty?

      It may seem a bit odd to speak of modesty when the weather outside is frightful—at least roundabout where I live in rural Ontario. But...