Faith without Flinching, without Compromise

A blessed and joyous Easter Saturday to all our readers, as we continue this journey through the Octave of octaves, eight days of Easter Sundays....

Benedict the Beggar and Benedict the Pope

This day marks the anniversary of the death of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, (+1783), one of the oddest, but also the most attractive, of...

Quasimodo’s Hope and Mercy

This last day in the Octave of Easter marks the twentieth anniversary of the proclamation of this Sunday as dedicated to the Divine Mercy...

The True Message of Earth Day

This is the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day, first officially celebrated on this day in 1970, with its roots in the nascent...

Blessed James Duckett: The Joy of Forgiveness

Before this day ends, a brief word about the remarkable, and largely unknown, Blessed James Duckett, about whom I knew nothing until a write...

Chlorine and Conscience

In an ironic twist on this ‘Earth Day’, this also marks the 105th anniversary of the first use of chemical weapons in warfare –...

Saints Peter Chanel and Louis Grignon de Montfort

On this joyful Eastertide day, we celebrate a double memorial: Saint Peter Chanel (+1841) who evangelized the island of Futuna in the South Pacific...

To the Catacombs with the Virtual Mass?

I read recently a comparison between early Christians forced underground to Mass in the catacombs, and modern Catholics relegated to Mass on the Ethernet (Internet?). ...

Catherine of Siena, Mystic, Doctor and Reformer

Ecclesia semper reformanda est.  So goes the old saying - Ecclesia semper reformanda est - the Church, always in need of reform - applies now,...

Athanasius Contra Mundum

Today, the second day of May, is the memorial of one of the most heroic bishops in the history of the Church, the great...