M-87 and the Demise of Free Speech

Not one MPP, yes, nary a one of our elected representatives in provincial parliament, not on Conservative, not even the much-vaunted Sam Oosterhoof and...

The Imposition of Family Day

I suppose it is requisite to wish everyone a happy 'Family Day', even though my reservations with this holiday, which is not really a...

Two Marital Extremes

Pondering the post-Valentine blues, here is a view of two opposite sides of culture that would have very difficult time cohabiting, so to speak. ...

Whither True Wealth, Mr. Depp?

The Church has consistently advocated the proper distribution of wealth in society, ensuring that each one has 'enough' on which to live. Of course,...

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Thomas and Accreditation

As I mentioned on Saturday, now proclaimed on our webpage, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom has received accreditation.  Alleluia!  The little college that began...

The Savings of Death

They actually published a report out of Alberta, out of the University of Calgary, and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, that 'medical...

The Gentle and Winning Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Church, is the patron saint of writers, not surprisingly, given his very...

Trump’s Mandate

Donald Trump was sworn in just before mid-day this morning, as the 45th President of the United States, launched into his new career with...

Conservatives, Big and Small

One can get the measure of a man not from his guarded, careful behaviour, but rather from his occasional slip-up, his less careful moments,...

No Harvard Anywhere, and Other Notes

Stephen Gordon argues that it is a good thing that Canada does not have an ‘elite’ university like Harvard (and, by extension one may...