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Of Courageous Bishops and FaceBook

...They may balk at certain uses of the data (as in, helping get Trump elected), but have no problem with selling your most private details to advertisers, which is why...

Licking the Earth

...the great unwashed who they’ve been terrorizing with their apocalyptic nonsense and whose pockets they’ve been robbing on the promise of salvation from the doom they’ve been selling so cleverly....

Oh, Canada, Philosophy, Law and Global Warming

...perhaps selling cars or insurance somewhere and taking his grandchildren fishing. He could have bloviate all he wanted at barbeques and family reunions, about the right to define the concept...

The Bioethicist and the Embryo

...attempts to build interactive online avatars of social media presence of diseased subscribers, while disease or disability in men who are alive may lose it. Personhood is also granted for...

Could Roe v Wade be Overturned? Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

...age Case could overturn harmful precedent; USA one of only seven countries to allow abortion on demand after 20 weeks gestation age Find our full press statement online, which may...

The Abortion Debate: And So It Begins 

...can be placed on what is now abortion at any time on demand. On this same day a major political organization published on article online. The article refers to a...

A call to arms

...political ads and media coverage of the same topic. Can’t we just go back to car ads and online dating commercials? They take so much less effort. Even I am...

The Christmas Novena of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri

...Grignion de Montort, Ad Jesum per Mariam. Can we put St Alphonsus’ Christmas Novena on our Facebook and share it with others online? Can we pray it together on the...

Are you a jerk?

...mean people. I hate the biting sarcasm and searing disdain and I particularly dislike when Catholics act this way towards one another, especially online. It makes me absolutely crazy when...

Father Bruno Hears a Confession: A Short Story of Shriving

Father Bruno and Father Paul, two Dominican friars ministering to the spiritual needs of the Catholic students at the University of Texas, shared an apartment near the campus. They were...