Pope Benedict and Athanasius

GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 20 June 2007 Saint Athanasius of Alexandria Dear Brothers and Sisters, Continuing our revisitation of the great Teachers of the ancient Church,...

Psalm 105:16-22 and Saint Joseph’s Sinlessness

On this Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, let us consider another article which was published on this very same feast day of May...

The Popes and the feast of Our Lady of Pompei

May 8th is the traditional feast day of Our Lady of Pompeii, which reminds us of the power of the Marian prayer of the...

St George Preca: the Apostle of God’s Redeeming Love

Today, Thursday 9 May 2024, every corner of the Maltese Islands resounds with great joy a cry of joy and hope. Today, we Maltese...

The Other Saint Ignatius – of Laconi

Saint Ignatius of Laconi (1701- 1781) - not to be confused with the more famous Ignatius of Loyala - was a Franciscan friar, born...

St Felix of Cantalice: The Friar who Saved the Capuchin Reform by his Holiness

On May 18th, we Capuchins celebrate the feast of St Felix of Cantalice. This humble lay brother played an important key in the way...

Saint Bernard of Montjoux, or Menthon

The iconic Saint Bernard dogs take their name from today's saint, Saint Bernard of Menthon - also known as of Montjoux - an 11th...

Pope St John Paul II and the Eucharist

One of the great Popes in the Church’s history, Pope St John Paul II, was a eucharistic Pope. In his wonderful magisterial teaching as...

Pope Benedict and Saint Boniface

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Saint Boniface, the Apostle of the Germans Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today, we shall reflect on a great eighth-century...

Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi

The 8th of June also marks the liturgical memorial of Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi. Who was this lay brother? Why is his example so...